Going to invest flexo ctp , could some expert can share ur experience and views abt esko cDi, KodakNx, Xeikon.
I need some comparision points - Esko CDI / Xeikon & Kodak Nx
If you really want to compare, get some benchmark plates > print and check. Otherwise you will hear lots of speculative comments.
NX still driven by prinergy afaik…
Going to invest flexo ctp , could some expert can share ur experience and views abt esko cDi, KodakNx, Xeikon.
If you really want to compare, get some benchmark plates > print and check. Otherwise you will hear lots of speculative comments.
We are using four Esko CDI 5080. Two of them HD certified&Pixel+ installed. Just remember, all kinds of CtP hardware needs rip or workflow solution. Esko has strong software solutions for flexo. NX still driven by prinergy afaik...
We bought a Screen 1200 about 8 months ago. VERY happy. MUCH cheaper than Esko. As stated above, we get 4800 dpi without having to play the "buy different optics" game.
We live in an Indesign world. As such, Trueflow (or Equios) from Screen was perfect. We do not have to come out of Indesign and then into Illustrator. In fact, the fact that Esko has told us that an Indesign plugin is "vaporware" was the final nail in the coffin.
Truth in advertising - I do NOT work for Screen. However, I have used Trueflow in the conventional world for a decade. About 300,000 plates under my belt on my Screen conventional platemaker. I would put total downtime in that 10 years at less than 15 working days. That includes PMs btw
Do you believe Pixel+ really make that much difference if you already have HD flat top dot capability ?
Greetings,Pixel+ option boosts density significantly. Sometimes more than %40 density increase . . .
Pixel+ option optimize the laser power output by using different pulse amplitude. In fact, HD flat top dot and pixel+ option are two different things. You can create flat top dot plates by using different techniques. But if you want to use finer micro cells for density, you need to have pixel+ (for Esko workflow ofc.) We done more than hundred benchmark prints for different printers and print conditions. Pixel+ option boosts density significantly. Sometimes more than %40 density increase, which is way to high for some printers. Good thing about pixel+ is, you have lots of options and micro cell structures to create printer specific targets.
Could you please be more specific of the print package(s) that showed increased density. Semi gloss, BOPP, water base ink, UV ink, solvent ink???
Am I right that Pixel+ is the same as Microcell but for finer screen ruling, microcell I believe is for corrugated ?
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