Your credit card company does not allow you to have an ftp? You would probably need to look at some of the different cloud storage options out there, such as drop box or google.
It's not that they wouldn't "let us" but then we would have had to deal with SSL certificates etc just the SSL cert is 70 bucks a month and we figured it would be cheaper and easier just to kill "port 21" access . . . . like the old saying . .. "“In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins; not through strength, but through perseverance.” my version is to find the easy way around the rock . . .
It's not that they wouldn't "let us" but then we would have had to deal with SSL certificates etc just the SSL cert is 70 bucks a month and we figured it would be cheaper and easier just to kill "port 21" access . . . .
I don't think their site is processing credit cards. I Think they are going through a PCI compliance audit and as part of that, an unsecure FTP connection is a big red flag. Securing that FTP connection or closing it off and using a replacement seems to be the question at hand.
FTP/S (FTP over SSL or TLS) can be done inexpensively, but well, with a modest amount of effort. Probably less than the time you've spend finding an alternate solution.
As an aside, if you are sending or receiving sensitive data across the public internet, then the data should first be encrypted on the sender side, then transmitted as encrypted (over a secure or insecure connection), then decrypted once it is in a known clean environment. Even then, data at rest if it is sensitive should still be encrypted. No sensitive data should ever be send without first being encrypted, even if using SSL.
A pain? Not really. Less painful than an insurance claim or a lawsuit for disclosing private or otherwise sensitive information. Tools like PGP (or the opensource GPG version) are easy, secure and reliable. Even the NSA uses it.
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