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Fusion Pro-sequential numbering

Peter G

New member
Im trying to create covers that will print what ticket numbers are in each book. Ex. book 1.(000001-000100) book 2. (000101-000200) book 3. (000201-000300) and so on up to 30,000 books. I know how to use the numbering rule, but I need to skip the numbers in between. I think some kind of coding is involved, but have never tried it.
Just use Excel (it will auto populate when you start typing in a string of sequential numbers. It's how I used to number raffle tickets. LOL!). Here is a TXT file of what I would use to do what you need to do in FusionPro. (I'm not very good with coding.) View attachment 000001-000100 etc.txt I can't remember off the top of my head if you can have more than one data file in FusionPro but it would be better anyway to add the two columns to your data file and then create a field for it like you would do for any variable bit.
Try this:
return FormatNumber("000000", (CurrentRecordNumber() - 1) * 100 + 1) + "-" + FormatNumber("000000", CurrentRecordNumber() * 100);


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