I'm working with full color images.
Here are my steps when I use GCR in Photoshop. We start with our images in RGB with a generic sRGB profile embedded. Then Convert to Profile>Custom CMYK> SWOP coated ink colors, Separation Type: GCR, Black Generation: Medium, Ink limits: 100% black, 280% total, 0% UCA.
As for proofing that, I dont! If I'm using the US Web Coated (SWOP) v2, I use Proof Set Up/Proof Colors from the View menu. But honestly I've not figured out if there is a way to use that with a GCR option. We only use the GCR on our images of tires, everything else gets the SWOP v2 profile.
After apply the GCR should I then be applying the SWOPv2?
* Yes, when the image gets saved, the Embed profile box is checked on.
* I need to get with the print designers on to answer how the PDF is made. They've given me the following info so far.
Under "Output"
Normal PDF Preset
Color Conversion: Convert to Destination (preserve Numbers)
Destination: Document CMYK -US Web coated SWOP
Profile Inclusion Policy: Dont include
Output Intent Profile: Document CMYK -US Web coated SWOP
Output condition Identifier: CGATS TR 001
Is any of this helpful to you?
Thanks for your assistance so far. I appreciate it.