Re: General Xitron Questions
Trapping is done based on what trap preset is applied to the Hot foder used for when the file is put into the rip. Each hot folder can have different trap styles based on paramiters made in the trap presets. So one can have many different trap styles for a particular client or even types of jobs that go into your shop.
Here are the presets that can be changed:
Trap Width:
Default and black - Values can be input based on any increment of measurement.
Trap apperance:
Join Style - Three options here must choose one - Mitre, Round or Bevel
End Style: - Two options must choose one - Mitre or Overlap
Trap Placement: - Four options must chopose one - Centre, Choke, Normal or Spread
These other optional settings can be checked for the above type of trap:
Trap Objects to Images
Trap Images to Images
Trap Image Internally
Trap 1-bit Images
Finally there are these Thresholds:
Step use a percentage
Black Color use a percentage
Black Density set a density
Sliding Trap use a percentage
Trap Colour Reduction use a percentage
One can also trap a particular ink color a particular way - advanced users - Not including
After a file has been ripped into the system the trap cannot be altered unless the user goes into the job ticket for that job and tell it to have a different trap preset and reprocess the file based on the other preset. So one could not have a choke in one part and a spread on another part of the file. There may be a trap module (at extra cost) that I do not have with the system we use, so ask during your inquiry with Xitron or your dealer - if you know that you wil need to have different trap styles in your document make sure you get the appropriate module so you can alter the trap after ripping so you do not have to reprocess. (Maybe Bret Feraah can shed some light on this topic)...
As for imposition:
Our version of the Xenith Extreme does allow the user to memorize an imposition from an imposition program such as Dynagrams Dynastrip (I do recommend this imposition software - very user friendly). What I mean is that you do an imposition and print the imposition to a hot folder on the xenith system and after processing the imposition the user can have the xenith system memorize the imposition for use with other jobs. This also works well for late page replacement.
So, for me at this point in time I use Dynastrip to do all of my impositions and do not have xenith memorize them. Dynastrip is so easy to use that I need not worry about the time it takes.
Some point down the line I will most likely need to use the postscript imposition workflow - that allows xenith to memorize the impo and also allows late page replacement of one page in a 38page booklet...
Hope this helps answer your question.
ON ANOTHER TOPIC - as for service and support:
The other day the system was down and within 2 hours was back up and running. GREAT JOB XITRON SUPOPORT!
Making another user a happy customer...