I think you will be happy with your choice on the Ilumina. I'm sitting here reading several answers to your questions and some are filled with quite a bit of mis information. So, I will tell you what you purchased and why it is VERY different from the OKI Branded product. As a matter of fact probably the only thing that the printer has in common to the 9000 series OKI branded product is the outside cover is the same as well as core components (LED heads, motors, etc..). First, in order to accommodate 502GSM media, modification in both the transport as well as fusing section had to be accomplished. The standard branded product is only capable of 307 GSM. So as one user commented, doing invitation, envelopes and thick stuff is a real winner for the machine. Unfortunately, just changing the transport does not give good quality print on substrates. Due to the fact that the substrates vary in thickness Xante has engineered different algorithms that allow for enhanced electric bias. Adjusted bias is needed in order to make the printer die-electric process work on thick media. What this means in laymen terms is that the charge difference increased to enable pulling charge off the drum through the paper to be fused. With out this, you might be able to run thick stock, but you would not be happy with the image you received. Lastly, all brands Xerox, Oce, HP, Minolta that are selling their products into the corporate consumer space are concerned with CPC- "Cost Per Copy". The industry has set this number at 5%. You I know that this number is ridiculous in the shops that sell their color out put. So heres the problem. The way you control CPC is be using less toner. Great if you are printing "to-do" list, not so good if your printing invitations, brochures, pictures, etc... Good graphic quality requires more toner not less. I will agree that OKI's branded quality looks better then most but not as good as printer that is designed specifically to make prints that are sellable. Xante engineering has changed most of the firmware to enhance all of the different components (speed, fuser,temps,screen angles, densities, etc..) that allow a toner based printer to output best graphics quality. The problem is it will use more toner compared to a printer that is not designed to print sellable color. and However, if your not in the business in selling the output, the Ilumina is probably not the right product for you. You should probably stick with a branded product.
One last comment on the consumable's. Xante takes the OKI consumables and retests the Drums to 100% acceptance. That may be excessive but it is what they do. That's one reason for the cost difference.
I hope that clarifies some of the differences in the Xante product vs traditional branded printers. On the other note... The Indigo works great too, but I don't have +300K.

But I can't still run 502 GSM...