...i agree with toronar, our experience with heidelberg prinect has been overall a good one, the system is very in depth and is clearly expandable to cater for automated guillotines if you want to take it that far. We used to have Agfa Apogee X, and while Preps is a fine impo software package, signa is a very clever piece of software once you bend your mind around the wizard steps involved. Being a German company they certainly know how to engineer, and have assisted greatly in complete PCM of all presses and calibration to proofing devices which are the best they have ever performed...
...definite annoying bugs include signa not talking well with cockpit at times, if your not careful you can impose a large job to find it hasn't saved, but this might be because we only have one licence across multiple users, which can be a frustration in itself having to relaunch all the time...
...i find the color mapping interface annoying to use, and there are problems mapping spot colors to another spot color which is in turn converted to a process mix, can look OK on PDF preview, but won't output...
...i do miss apogee X imposed renders though and the way apogee deals with mixing preps templates and re-ordering impos, took me an age to work out how to re-order signatures in signa, not as obvious as you might like it to be...
...i'm not keen on the web browser interface with the server, i find that frustrating to deal with...
...but having said all that, the rendering speeds are excellent...