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I’m new at utilizing imposition software and digital printing. We have a xerox c70 and are trying to set up a job for perfect binding. (Our first). We are trying to set up the interior pages as “step & repeat”, 4-up on 13x19 with the thought that we cut the 13x19 and end up with 4 sets of ”interiors”. The finished book size is 6x9. We’ve tried pdf snake, imposition wizard, imposition studio, all on trial basis. Pdfsnake is the simplest for us to finagle and we’ve gotten it very close, although still very challengin. However, the interior pages have a top rule and the front/back of the rules do not line up. The print is very consistently wrong but I don’t believe we can adjust the back pages only and force them to line up. I imagine it should not be this hard. Can anyone please help me understand how to properly set this up and/or recommend a good program that is geared toward simple jobs? Perfect binding, pamphlets, and booklets are as complicated as we’ll ever get.