How begin organizational structure for VDP services as Business Unit?


I'm begin trying to create a new departament dedicated to VDP services (Direct marketing printing and transaccional/transpromo printing services) as a strategy business Unit and i need know how processes are needs, actually we works with the follow areas: IT department(database managers, developers, infrastructure), digital printing area (HP indigo and xerox printers), finishing area (includes cuts, folds, enveloping, packing and distribution), our main products actually are bills, statements, consumes details, customs correspondences...
How organice this processes as organizational structure? if anyone have experiences as manager of this area please guide me. thanks for your time
What I've seen...

What I've seen...

I'm begin trying to create a new departament dedicated to VDP services (Direct marketing printing and transaccional/transpromo printing services) as a strategy business Unit ...

Been teaching customers how to do VDP for 8 years - this is what I've seen. A VDP small team (not counting press operator, bindery, and other shop jobs) usually has at least, a project manager, a data person, a digital/pre-press person, a designer, Quality Assurance (QA) person and a IT person (ie network admin). Of course on a small team many of those roles cross over, for example the project manager does QA or the pre-press person is the press operator and the designer. As the team grows, you'll have individual people in each of the roles I mentioned and as needed based on the type of work; additional data people, some web developer/programmers (or a whole team), more designers (or a whole team), multiple QA people, and so on. I would expect that since you mostly do bills/statements that the programming/data team would grow first, as you get more marketing/promotional type documents, the design team would grow, etc. Of course as more work comes in the press and other shop areas would grow as well.

Hope that helps, deb


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