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Indesign CS3 slow and memory hungry?


Active member
We've just upgraded to Indesign CS3 and while I think it's a great improvement over CS2 I find it to be much more hungry for RAM and is slower. Anyone else find this?

Like the new site by the way.

Edited by: Colin on Sep 19, 2007 6:29 PM
Re: Indesign CS3 slow and memory hungry?

InDesign 1.0 was slow and memory hungry.
Some things don't change ;)

Either that or it is the Vista compatibility changes.

Re: Indesign CS3 slow and memory hungry?

I don't find it slow or memory hungry, but I upgraded my hardware in anticipation of
needing more resources. I'd probably think it was a bloated hog if I was trying to
run it on my old G4, or my last single processor Windows machine.
Re: Indesign CS3 slow and memory hungry?

Colin: Machine specs?

And yeah, InDesign is no Quark, that's for sure! (And for the record, I'm glad that it isn't, just so I'm not called a Quark Fanboi.)
Re: Indesign CS3 slow and memory hungry?

Machine specs:

2Gb DDR2 RAM, P4 Dual Core CPU, ATI 1900XTX Graphics Card with 512MB DDR3 RAM, Asus P5WDH Mobo and Windows XP Pro. Indy runs better on our 64 bit Vista systems but unfortunately drivers are still not available for our most commonly used hardware like CTP etc so we're stuck with XP for the time being.

Macs are not an option now as we changed many moons ago to PC's as hardware and upgrades were cheaper and at that time most of our customers supplied PC files to us.

CS3 is really good and is much better than CS2 but still no basic imposition software as in Quark, only step and repeat and booklet imposition.
Re: Indesign CS3 slow and memory hungry?

I'm on a Mac, but I did have to upgrade to at least 3 GB RAM to get a speed boost. I had 2 GB like you (and am running a dual processor G5) and experienced terrible slowdowns after I installed CS3. Once I got 3 GB installed everything ran much more smoothly.
Re: Indesign CS3 slow and memory hungry?

Hello, I would like my first post to be a very stupid question... and so-

As I have CS3, should I start swapping all my files over to CS3 from CS2?
It seems to want me to do that.
Has anyone encountered problems or regrets with doing this?

I figure that if I have to ever forward a file to someone I will just save it down, so I don't foresee that being a problem.
Re: Indesign CS3 slow and memory hungry?

not a stupid question at all...I think a lot of people are in the situation.

I always keep client supplied files in the same application and version whenever possible.

Are these files you have created yourself or are they supplied by someone? if you have created them yourself, you might as well look at converting them over, CS3 is the future. Try a few and see what the results are. If they are supplied by someone else, I would leave them as they are.
Re: Indesign CS3 slow and memory hungry?

> {quote:title=backtrack wrote:}{quote}
> Hello, I would like my first post to be a very stupid question... and so-
> As I have CS3, should I start swapping all my files over to CS3 from CS2?
> It seems to want me to do that.
> Has anyone encountered problems or regrets with doing this?
> I figure that if I have to ever forward a file to someone I will just save it down, so I don't foresee that being a problem.

I wouldn't resave files just to do it. Also if you need to collaborate with someone with IDCS2 use IDCS2. Do not give INX files to a printer that is asking for trouble. All you need to give your printer is a PDF. If he can't use a PDF or has not upgraded to the new software, get a new printer or your job will get screwed up.
Re: Indesign CS3 slow and memory hungry?

For in-house jobs, we have converted all CS2 files to CS3 without problem.

For incoming jobs from clients, we almost always convert them to CS3, and have not had any problems. I understand that occasionally folks have had trouble converting from one version to another, but we haven't.

A few times we have had to back-save to CS2 (using an INX file) for an outside vendor. So far that has worked just fine.
Re: Indesign CS3 slow and memory hungry?

I have experimented a bit with the INX files, and have ended up with a couple peculiar results.
Outlined boxes etc, it seems minimal.

It's mostly files I have created, and in turn we print them, so, internally it's not a huge hassle.
I'm to busy arguing with my Platinum at the minute to start squabbling with other computer based monsters.

Thanks for your replies! i'm get playing now. :)
Re: Indesign CS3 slow and memory hungry?

Make sure you don't have CS3 and CS2 on the same machine (CS as in the program by the way) otherwise you may experience a lot of strange issues.

Edited by: Dean Bonkovich on Oct 2, 2007 2:22 AM
Re: Indesign CS3 slow and memory hungry?

I would not convert the files in the Prepress setting. Not all customers upgrade as quickly (some are ahead of the printers).
For yourself, I don't see a problem in changing your older files over. I haven't had any issues yet.

As far as the Mac thing I was running an Intel iMac with 2GB RAM and when I loaded CS3, I didn't see any problems or have any issues with the software being slow.
Re: Indesign CS3 slow and memory hungry?

hi collin,

shall i have your screen shots ...i am indoubt of your settings....i can help you if you give me excact files ..will you?


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