KBA press – time & material savings


Staff member
Nearly a year into the installation of a KBA Rapida 105 / 41-inch eight-color press -- with full UV capabilities and inline coater – the Rapida has become -- Chattanooga, TN based, G7 Master Printer -- TPC Printing and Packaging’s “showcase press”.

The company reports substantial time & material savings attributed to the Rapida. Instead of two to three passes per job, they only need to do a single pass. In the first six weeks of operation, they saved ½ million sheets by running more jobs through in a single pass. Much of TPC’s work consists of high-end substrates, such as laminate foil and holographic materials, and has resulted in substantial cost savings, too.

TPC’s Rapida is equipped with full automation including plate changing and specially-equipped board and plastic packages, full UV capabilities, plus KBA’s unique ErgoTronic ColorControl measuring system.



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