• Best Wishes to all for a Wonderful, Joyous & Beautiful Holiday Season, and a Joyful New Year!

Leading North American Printer Emphasizes Quality & Efficiency, Using Latest Technology


Staff member
With a management team focused on quality, efficiency and the latest technology at their state-of-the-art, Montreal facility, Litho Quebec is the first Canadian delivery of the new Koenig & Bauer Rapida—105 41-inch, 6-color Press.

The new Rapida allows Litho Quebec to produce a mix of commercial, packaging & specialty printing, thanks to a host of unique features that set the Rapida Press apart, including:
  • Simultaneous processing;
  • QualiTronic high-end, inline ColorControl System;
  • Real-time Camera System monitoring, installed after the coating unit—permitting automatic measurements of optical density in the freshly printed color bars—the basis for fast dynamic inline ink key setting control;
  • QualiTronic PrintCheck System—combining color measurement with production quality monitoring—ensuring every sheet is correct;
  • Automatically saved, end-of-job PDF report, without further operator involvement.
According to Bruce Zacard, co-owner at Litho Quebec, “Our new Rapida—105 will deliver the highest quality for our customers. That’s because we have equipped the press with quality control features that are only offered by Koenig & Bauer and can only be found in our pressroom.”


A 30-day Fix for Managed Chaos

As any print professional knows, printing can be managed chaos. Software that solves multiple problems and provides measurable and monetizable value has a direct impact on the bottom-line.

“We reduced order entry costs by about 40%.” Significant savings in a shop that turns about 500 jobs a month.

Learn how…….
