Mark, perhaps double check the built-in help guide for installation instructions.
One can also use Kodak Partner Place for finding installation instructions in the Knowledge Base (734-00437A-MUL):
Did the installer pop up a message indicating that of the 'xxx'' amount of source files, all "xxx" files were successfully installed? If I remember correctly, it should also have brought up a webpage with more info after the install? If you click on the icon for the proofer rather than the controller when you are in the admin area, do you see an ICC tab as in the screen capture I posted? Perhaps your version is so old compared to my experience that things just work differently...
When you go to the calibration area, does it list the M150DP media configuration? If the .installer correctly installed the media configuration, then I would imagine that the ICC profiles and other files were also installed correctly too.
As far as I know, the Kodak website does not offer individual profiles for download for Matchprint Inkjet, it is just the .installer files.
We do have an x800 model, so I have access to the proofer ICC for UV and Unfiltered profiles for 3x3, 7x7 resolution. I don't have a 10600 so I can't load in the .installer for this printer.
What devicelink are you trying to create for this media? The installer will install a 360x360 F29 unfiltered relcol proofing devicelink for this media.
Stephen Marsh