1) yes
3) all colors all 6 units.
2) nope
3) weekly to daily
This is not a chemistry problem.
By no means am I implying that it is a chemistry problem. However, in order to solve the problem one needs to know all of the pertinent data.
The 1st thing that I would recommend is to take a plate and on the outside edges, (non paper area), and preform the following:
1.) Wash thoroughly with water only.
2.) Go over the area with some deletion fluid.
3.) Gum the area and let it dry.
If this eliminates the picture framing then the problem lies in either the plate processor or the laser. However, if it the picture framing remains, the problem is chemistry related i.e. (Ink, fountain solution, roller wash, etc.)
Try the following, (one at a time), to see if the problem is eliminated:
> Wash the plate and blanket manually and follow up with a water only rinse. If this fixes the problem the problem is related to your wash solvent / procedure.
> Ensure that your conductivity is below 2200 mHos and the Refractive Index is below 2.0. (A Refractometer will measure the amount of alcohol substitute in the fountain solution). A FS with a refractive index exceeding 2.0 will begin breaking down softer bodied inks and slow down the ink dry time.
> Reduce blanket pressure.
> Set your ink chiller to 70 F, the rollers should run at 75-80 F.
> Set your fountain solution chiller to 55 F, the pan temp should be 60-65 F.
> Try a ink with a heavy body.
I would change the ink as a last resort as doing so will require a set of new plate curves to match the proofing system and/or reprints.
Good Luck!