Sure, all of the vendors today will give you great image quality. Ricoh has bells and whistles with neon pink and what not, KM has a rather dubious inline IQ system (get the details and it turns out to be much less enchanting and more demanding than it youtubes itself), and Xerox has their 10bit engine, which incidentally is great and benefits ALL your jobs.
Ask yourself where most of your business is.
Will being able to print white or neon pink greatly increase your business in real life? Or getting less service calls and more uptime and great quality on every print be getting you more business in real life?
- You'll want to know how they guarantee their service level agreements:
- how long for a tech to be onsite.
- Also, where are the parts stored -> means more delays...
- Ask to speak to current owners for their experience and dig up your own owners so they're not shills.
- Get Xerox to show you a Versant 180 or 3100 and go through the above list too.
- The thing with Xerox is that usually their reliability is unmatched especially when you put the pedal to the metal, and that means less service call, better training and lower overall cost.
Now, I used to work for Transcontinental and we had all top of the line digital printers vendors and Xerox was always the most reliable and far better TCO overall. Better long term satisfaction than a sweet cheap price that last until the service calls starts repeating themselves! We were never wowed by a quote that looked cheaper than the xerox because we knew down the line having 10-30% more uptime compared to the competition over five years meant real money, tangible money you can count on. Neon pink? Oh sure, that's cool hahaha
Good luck and do serious research!!!