It's a mountain of little cuts.
Changes made to which user registration fields are required are global across every storefront for some reason, not company-specific; the application will spontaneously claim you have an "expired session" not even 60 seconds into working with the product listing if you do certain actions, causing you to lose your work; changes made to the text phrases used just straight up don't apply to the webpages if viewed in mobile (like if you want to give a "CustomFieldOne" a name); if you are entering quantity pricing and enter a price for per-unit but leave the setup price field blank on the first quantity, the entire pricing list will delete upon saving....I could go on and on. I understand and accept that every software will have its own little cuts, but when that's coupled that with the fact that it's now a company joke to say "Oh, they found a bug? Good, it should be fixed in a couple of years then!" or how common it is to have support cases unresolved, un-escelated, or un-replied to for 2-3 months at a time and you've got some unhappy customers. [/rant]
Things like the above would probably not show up in a demo but regular users of a product would be familiar with them. I'm curious to know if there are any Marcom users who are in the same circle of Inferno, or if they generally find it agreeable, etc.