I just inherited an ECRM Stingray 52/63 imagesetter with a Rampage RIP v10.4 Build#34 from a printing company. When I selected the “Board Test,” from “ECRM 6300_1/Output, Rampage Systems JVX ID:” server/process; several feet of film were printed out from that imagesetter.
Now, I need to hire a trainer who can train me on the Rampage workflow with the following options -- Postscript Trapping, H, PDF Shooter, Soft FFP, and Rampage PDF. If anyone in your network has potential interest to help and near Danbury, CT, Please kindly reply to me a.s.a.p. Thanks in advance!
P.S image; Successfully tested the "BOARD TEST" from Rampage RIP to ECRM Imagesetter!

Now, I need to hire a trainer who can train me on the Rampage workflow with the following options -- Postscript Trapping, H, PDF Shooter, Soft FFP, and Rampage PDF. If anyone in your network has potential interest to help and near Danbury, CT, Please kindly reply to me a.s.a.p. Thanks in advance!
P.S image; Successfully tested the "BOARD TEST" from Rampage RIP to ECRM Imagesetter!