Nesting Problem

Jon D

New member
I have a problem using Torrent v5.5 (revision 1c) for NT. I us this software to rip to a Heidelberg Signaseter which produces photo-positives for screen printing.

The issue is with the way the software manages the nesting of jobs. We don’t seem to be able to get all the jobs in a que to print to a full sheet of film, rather the rip tends to mix various separations from various jobs and cut the sheet a seemingly random lengths. For example it may print the cyan, magenta of one job with the black from another job to a piece of film and then print the remaining colours to another piece of film. Sometimes colours even get “lost” ie they get spooled but not printed.

We have searched through the users manual and tried to find errors in the page set-up, but this seems correct and has the option Fill Film ticked – (if only it would!!)

Any help or advice you could give us with this issue would be greatly appreciated.


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