NXT/mach6/colormax8 machines cost to run/per piece price?

Depends on how much is printed... you will need to take your costs and figure out a final price. They come with a estimating software built in, it gets you in the ballpark for your costs.
Depends on how much is printed... you will need to take your costs and figure out a final price. They come with a estimating software built in, it gets you in the ballpark for your costs.
i currently have a NXT that i got second hand that uses the navigator software i don't see anywhere it has estimating software on it.
We looked at these in brief detail and decided against. There are too many unknowns, so whatever you charge per piece, it needs to be at a much, much higher margin than you would expect on a dry toner press, where the CPC is fixed and covers everything. Otherwise, expensive parts and maintenance on these can easily run into four figures, wiping out your profits and some.
Personally, I absolutely hate running envelopes on toner. It looks better, but they tend to feed terribly and there's a ton of limitations. We've been using the NXT for about 2 years now and it's pretty much problem free. I sometimes have to wipe the printhead, but aside from that I don't agree with expensive parts and maintenance.

The ability to run on flaps and odd envelopes makes it worth it for me. Also, inkjet is consistent, so my saved settings from a previous run hit the same, whereas a toner run I'll probably need to fiddle with color for a bit to match the previous sample.


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