Because the "touch up object tool" always opens vector objects in Illustrator:
• either it opens/edits the whole selected page of the PDF in Illustrator... in that case, it's no use to:
- open the PDF in Acrobat,
- choose the "touch up object tool",
- select the page,
- and click right to finally open the page in Illustrator!
... it's quicker to directly open the PDF in Illustrator.
• or it edits the selected objects in Illustrator... so, I have to select all the objects of the wanted logo, with the risk of missing some objects (especially in vectorized text), and having to re-do all the selection...
... it's quicker and safier to directly open the PDF in Illustrator, and suppress all the unneeded objects around the logo in Illustrator... and if I suppress something needed (by making a too wide selection), a simple "Apple Z" will cancel the mistake...
Yes, you're right, it's possible to extract a logo from a PDF without Illustrator: I can remove all the unneeded objects from the PDF using Acrobat with the PitStop tools, to keep only the logo, and then save my new PDF containing only the logo...
... but I'll finally get a PDF, thought I want an EPS file: sorry, but I prefer logos as EPS files than as PDF files:
- first, because I work with InDesign AND with XPress, and XPress is not so good with PDF,
- second, because I feel easier to re-open an EPS logo with Illustrator to modify it (to change for example CMYK colors to Pantone or to grayscales) than to have to do that job in Acrobat with PitStop,
- third, because PitStop is desperately slow... much slower than Illustrator!
- and fourth, because I'm a little bit "old school": I'm perhaps (or certainly) wrong, but in my mind the PDF format is more an output format than a working format for importing and editing... and I don't like to have to import PDF elements in my layouts.
For a logo-extraction, it's possible to do all the job with Acrobat and PitStop... but in
MJNC case, do you really imagine filling the old basis with all the new stuff, new text, new photos, with PitStop???
(AFAIK, it would be possible with Neo...: a friend of mine using it said me that Neo is so powerful than it is almost possible to use it as a standalone DTP software, almost doing the same layout job than InDesign or XPress, but working directly in a PDF and using PDF as it's standard file format... almost... but the price is a little bit frightening
