Second you on that one Craig - vendors need to realise when to pitch and when their posts will just be unhelpful spam.
Just had a glance at the W2P solution mentioned, and it looks to be focused on doing one thing - serving B2C - and it probably depends on the company you're trying to dovetail the solution with. Are you looking for a store front that is another piece in your puzzle of software and solutions, or something larger that will put more pieces of the puzzle together in one bigger piece?
For a small printshop or small distributor, a B2C storefront like this is probably all you need, and this one looks reasonably easy to setup in a short time period, which is all you probably have. The caveat is that there are other solutions out there, and I fear that these guys may have got stuck in the loop that technology companies get stuck in - "we're on the cutting edge of latest technology". They keep restating it till they believe it, even when it ain't true anymore.
Just a couple of thoughts from the peanut gallery, the rest is up to you!
Edit: Just watched a short snippet of their demonstration movie. When demo'ing with these guys, make sure you check on the quality of support, and whether they'll be folks who'll "get" what you're trying to do, when you need help. Our provider has a range of guys who've previously worked in print shops based around the US, and I've bounced lots of ideas and issues off them, with each one being solved or a solution made within a short space of time.