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PDF multiple pages insert in illustrator

I wish I knew AppleScript. Have the O'Reilly book but never got beyond the beginning chapters - got busy, lazy, tired... all the excuses. I've been wanting to do this in Indy for ages. Maybe someone can code a nice little app for us!
You cant do it in Illustrator you have to do it in indesign, the easiest way I have found is to select all the pdf's from the bridge and drag to indesign then you can cycle through all the pdf's by using the arrow keys before dropping using the enter key.
bluesdude. Have you tried the "place multi page pdf" in the script menu? Works much better than placing them via drag and drop.
bluesdude. Have you tried the "place multi page pdf" in the script menu? Works much better than placing them via drag and drop.

Oxburger, thanks for the info about the script for placing a multi page pdf into InDesign! It works great, and can save alot of time (gotta love automation).

Or you can try this script. It will place your pages onto different artboards in Illustrator CS4 although only on Mac, as it is an applescript.
Yes, I don't think you can insert PDF multiple pages in at a time using Illustrator cs4.
Just like oxburger said, you might have to insert the pages one by one.
The InDesign yo have tied is also a app dealing with PDF files?
I'm not so familiar with that.
This SDK is the only one I've used to insert PDF multiple pages in at a time. It was pretty easy to work with, and mostly worked well. I wonder is there any differences between them.
Hope it helps.

Kind Regards,

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