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placed item to path in illustrator

Hi Guys

this has proably been asked before but i willtry anyway. i have an image of a company logo which is in jpeg format. the image is of a string of DNA and the company name below. the background is a dark blue and shows through the lettering and the DNA image. Is it possible to remove the background and convertthe remaining image in the path to allow me to re-size it to whatever size i wish. i am sure this is possible but i am really struggling to get my head round it. Any help would be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance

"Is it possible to remove the background and convertthe remaining image in the path to allow me to re-size it to whatever size i wish."

If the path already exists then you could use that to mask out the background in Illustrator. If the path doesn't exist then I'd outline it in Photoshop, if you have it.

Since it's a jpeg, no you can't re-size to whatever size you wish. If it has enough resolution, say 300 dpi, then you could possibly enlarge it to no more than 150%. Reducing shouldn't be a problem.
placed item to path in illustrator


i have photoshop but am unsure what you mean. i have tried deleteing the background using the lasoo tool which leaves me with what i want. i can however convert this to path. i am trying to be able to pace the logo anywhere on a document and allow what ever it is placed over shows through where the original background was. i hope this makes sense.

Thanks in advance

Open the file up in photoshop, go to Image/Image Size in the file menu and change the resolution to 72 and make sure Resample is checked. Do a save as and rename it so you don't replace the original and save it as a jpeg format with a medium to high quality setting.

To upload the file, underneath the "Reply to Thread" section is the "Additional Options" section, click on "Manage Attachments" and select your file.

Thanks erik here goes


  • genflow logo final.jpg
    genflow logo final.jpg
    54.2 KB · Views: 204
Depends on the use, but seems like re-engeneering is the way to go.
Or in Photoshop select the purple inverse selection. create workpath. double click workpath to edit options, give it a name and make it the clipping path. done.
hi lukas

thanks for looking for me but as i mentioned earlier in my thread i am a complete novice with both illustrator and photoshop so what you have suggested does not make a great deal of sense to me as yet.

many thanks

Hi Erik

I want to place it in illustrator CS3. i want to keep everything except the blue background to allow whatever i place the logo onto to show through where the blue background was. i hope this makes sense.

Thanks for helping

You can place a psd file in Illustrator which would allow you to have transparent areas. In Photoshop select any part of the purple background with the magic wand tool (Tolerance/32) then go to Select up in the menu bar and select Similar. Go to the layers palette and double click on the background layer and then click yes. Delete background. Do a save as and select Photoshop format with layers checked. Your file will end with .psd. If all goes well, you should be able to place this file in Illustrator.

There is a place in India (I could find the website if needed) that will make an AI file out of files like this. They do it overnight and charge either $12 or up to $15 if I recall correctly.

You are a complete star. Your advice has worked wonders, thank you very much for your time and effort, it is very much appreciated.

You're very welcome. My only concern of doing it this way was that the white type might have a fringe of purple around it and thus would need a little bit of tweaking. If so, that could be easily fixed.


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