Pre-sensitised Positive-working Inkjet Plate for Epson stylus 9900



We have Epson stylus 9900 series printers. i wish to know more about the Pre-sensitised Positive-working Inkjet Plate for Epson Printer which we can use for our news paper printing. Kindly give me the information of the same and list of the manufactures of the perticular plates.

I really thankful for your reply......
Thew only system like that I know of was the Jetplate system. They are no longer in business. There are several systems that image metal plates using Epson printers, but they don't use presensitized plates. they use specially coated metal substrates that either use Epson or proprietary inks for imaging. The main players are Epson, Vim, and Glunz and Jensen.

There also systems that use the same concept on a polyester plate. They include GraphLine TB-100, Technova, Vim, and a few others.


I looked at both the Epson system, and the Glunz and Jensen systems at the recent Graphexpo. the Glunz and Jensen uses and older style Epson printer, but seems to have a better feed table that i thing would give you better plate to plate registration. The Glunz and Jensen seems to have higher consumables cost as you have to buy maintenance cartrages for the print heads you are not using. It appears that the consumables cost on the Epson system will be less, plus the cost for the full system is close to half of the Glunz and Jensen.

Has anyone had experience with either the Epson 7900 or 9900 as far as registration from plate to plate? that is the only thing i wasn't sure would work well the way they had it set up.

Also, do the plates work well on press?
Thanks for your reply....

But my doubt is that what type ( technology ) plates are using for these Epson printer 9900 and who are the manufactures of such plates ( Metijet plates ).We came to know that technova is one of the manufacture of such metijet plates .Is there any other manufactures other than technova?


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