Press can't match proofs after years of little trouble


This is incredibly frustrating. Has anyone been through this? I feel like there's too many details to tell the whole story.

We keep searching for that X-factor that's making everything break down. One thing I keep seeing is that some jobs the ink on press seems weak, and we have to make a curve plate with a boost to a process color or 2.

Our only hope now is to successfully create a new press/proofer profile that's easier to match. We've tried to do it ourselves twice and have made ugly proof profiles both times.

We need to try again when it slows down here, but right now it's just job after job in the busy season going down on press and it's getting intense with emotions. Feels like somethings gonna snap.
Snipped for clarity.

Title. Press can't match proofs after years of little trouble.
One thing I keep seeing is that some jobs the ink on press seems weak, and we have to make a curve plate with a boost to a process color or 2.

Our only hope now is to successfully create a new press/proofer profile that's easier to match.

You seem to be saying that you used to be able to align your press work to the proof but now you can't?

Apparently something has changed in your process. Wouldn't it be better to figure out what changed and correct that rather than arbitrarily adjust plate curves?

Seeing is that some jobs the ink on press seems weak is somewhat meaningless. Have you measured solid patches of color - Ink density? Lab? Have you examined to halftone dots to look at things like over emulsification?
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What Gordo said but to add to it, here are some questions to consider:
  1. How long ago did you start having issues matching press color to proof?
  2. Did something change right before this issue started? Such as...
    1. Ink vendor/manufacturer/recipe? Was something added to the inks to solve some other issue?
    2. Plate vendor/manufacturer/brand/type?
    3. Fountain solution brand/make? Dosage amount?
    4. If your fountain solution is a 2 step, did the alcohol sub change? Did the ratio of alcohol sub to fountain solution change?
    5. Has something about the press changed? Rollers? Blankets? Some other variable?
    6. Did you buy a new press?
    7. New batch of plates? Could be a bad batch.
    8. Proofer brand/ink?
  3. Are the matching issues always/almost always with the same ink(s)? Maybe there is something wrong with the corresponding press unit or units?
  4. Is the pressroom properly maintaining their presses (including rollers) and on a scheduled basis? Calcium build-up?
  5. When a pressmen says he can't match color, do they bring you the plate(s) to look at? Do the plates show any anomalies like areas that are shinier than others? Areas that don't take ink as well as others?
  6. Are your pressmen suddenly running their water too high? Too low?
  7. If you have more than one press, have you tried printing a problem job on another press to see if the problem still occurs?
  8. How old is your platesetter? Is it out of calibration? Perhaps the platesetter is in need of service? Maybe it's not burning the emulsion to the aluminum substrate well enough? Laser life is not infinite.
  9. Plate processor? Is it operating within manufacturer plate specs in terms of temperature, speed, etc.?
  10. Is the chemistry within the processor fresh? Does your processor need to be cleaned? Does your processor use water? If so, is it using city water? If so, maybe there is a contaminate?
  11. Have you confirmed that all software settings in your rip are correct? Have you verified the linearization of your plates? That the correct plate curves are being applied?
  12. Have you confirmed that all software settings in your color proofing software are correct?
  13. Have you checked the calibration of your proofer? Does the proofer need re-profiled? Did you change proofer brands or buy a new proofer?
  14. Are you using OEM or 3rd party inks in your proofer? If the latter, did you recently change to 3rd party inks?
  15. Did you change spectrophotometer devices (or however you verify proof color)? Is said device calibrated correctly?
That's all I can think of at the moment.

Best regards,
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I have something in mind about that, so I ask:
Are you using processless plates?If the answer is yes, have you noticed if troubles started when you adopted them?

Some great responses here that are definitely things to consider. Sorry I haven't had time to reply in detail! Thank you folks
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