Print Smith? Thoughts?


Well-known member
I recenlty downloaded a demo of printsmith from EFI, and it seems quite useful.

Anyone here have it? Any other software that compares?

We do large format (4x8 sheets) digital, screen, 4c offset, 2c and digital - and it seems like a pretty good workflow system.

It is a great program. The way to make it work the best is setting up all the costing. There are a ton of setup areas, Things like press speeds, difficulty levels, cost of paper, mark ups. Once all of these are set up and correct it is a very easy program to use. It has real good report creation and some of the user screens give good detail on current jobs, jobs due today and jobs due tomorrow. I believe it is very week in the large format. We had to set up price per foot charges and were unable to enter labor charges for things such and fome cor, mounting trimming and finishing. If you go with the program and you know most of the costing of your shop you might want to have a printsmith rep come to your place and set it up. These trips are not free but the inital setup is the hardest part of the program.
Thanks for the info -

I'm not terribly worried about large format pricing as we have some pretty generic prices based on flat rate sheet costs and such.

Are there any other programs that compare?


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