We currently use a mixture of Indesign and Pre-PageIt to set up our jobs for the press. We are a newspaper printer that prints Tabloids, Broadsheets and Mini-Tabs. The problem we are having is we want to get out of placing pages Manually in Indesign and get somthing more automated. The problem we are having is when new jobs come in that have bleeds. We instruct our customers to set up a left and right page depending on the side that bleeds, but we are commonly told that the last printer never made them do that and they just have the bleed on all 4 sides. Our question is, is there any imposition program we can get so we can set up templates to have the pages place according to any position we want. Right now our programs just center in the window. There must be something out there so we can set the odd pages to offset to one side and even pages to offset to another side to make designing easier on our customers so they do not have to deal with left and right pages.