Thank you Stephen! I think that will do it!
I need to grasp around this NOT option any day soon
I think of the
NOT logical operator as simply an inverse/opposite/exclusion modifier to a previous selection.
More from Enfocus below:
AND is a logical operator. This means it is used to select a single object with more than one attribute. For example, selecting text that was Helvetica AND size 12 pt would be written:
Select Font Helvetica
Select Text if PointSize = 12.00 pt
You do NOT use AND to select two different objects. For example, the following is incorrect because a font cannot be both Helvetica and Arial:
Select Font Helvetica
Select Font Arial
NOT is a logical operator. It is used to exclude objects according to their attributes. For example, if you wanted to select all the text in a document that was not Arial you would need to exclude Arial from your selection. This could be written as folows:
Select Text
Select Font Arial
NOT only applies to the immediately preceeding item in the list of selections
OR is a logical operator. It is used to select objects that share attributes. For example, selecting all text that is either Helvetica OR Arial would be written:
Select Font Helvetica
Select Font Arial
You do NOT use OR to exclude objects. For example, the following will not only choose 14pt fonts if there are no 12pt fonts. Rather it will select all 12pt and 14pt fonts:
Select Text if PointSize = 12.00 pt
Select Text if PointSize = 14.00 pt
If you want to select times Roman and Times roman Italic, you have to use 'OR'. Not 'AND'; as they can't be both. But you could use AND if you were looking for Times New Roman which was also 100C fill. They can be both, in that instance,
'NOT' can only apply to one item.
'AND' and 'OR' can apply to 1 or 2 preceding items, but not 3 or more.
The operators apply to preceding items, not following items.
Stephen Marsh