Hi Al,
Thanks for responding.Yes i have contacted Xante(which now owns ripit)I spoke with a tech who was not fimiliar with my/thier equipment.He said he would research it and call me back.Hour later he calls and says "although my speedsetter can image film,my processor would not develope it because it does not run through the processor slow enough to develope correctly".I reminded him that it has a speed control that can bring the processor to a COMPLETE STOP.He responed"Im just tring to save you a headach"?What,anyway he told me that this call would be free,but if i called again that they would charge me for their support.Anyhow this is why ive turned to the board.
Oh Yeah,If you go on their website,the model i have does advertise that it can do poly,film,rc paper.I will be thankful for any comments.