Simple N-Up Imposition Woes


Well-known member
Hello Folks,

For many years I have used the InDesign SmartStream plug in to do occasional impositions. The system usually handless all that but there are one off jobs and samples than still need sorting.

My problem with SmartStream is my output PDF will have all layers merged together. I need to keep hidden/invisible layer info for the cutting table.

So which of the basic Imposition apps (Montax, Quite Imposing etc) out there preserve PDF layers untouched?
Hi Tim,

I tested Quite Imposing Plus using it's step & repeat function. It appears that layers are preserved. See attached screen capture.

I believe you can download a free trial of QIP.

Best regards,


  • photo7734.jpg
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Montax has said they are planning/working on a Mac version. I am looking forward to that because if their pricing structure for a Mac version is the same as the Windows version, $400 for hot folder automation is a great price!!

Tim-Ellis - are the PDF files you are imposing saved as PDF/X-4 ? Or Illustrator type PDF ? I would have thought you could preserve the layer and turn it of for print and then turn it on to import to the cutter if you imposed PDF/X-4 PDF files with Layers.
Tim-Ellis - are the PDF files you are imposing saved as PDF/X-4 ? Or Illustrator type PDF ? I would have thought you could preserve the layer and turn it of for print and then turn it on to import to the cutter if you imposed PDF/X-4 PDF files with Layers.

Thats a good point. At present we are imposing Illustrator Default PDF files. The SmartStream output is PDF/VT (so that PDF/X-4 )

When I get a moment, I'll try some other formats to see if layers are preserved.
Although this is reactive, PitStop Pro or Server could pickup the cutter into and send it to a new layer.

Stephen Marsh

Yes - very true - it is an extra step but if there is no other way, that would work. It might even help pick up the objects that are sitting in the wrong layer too.

I think the issue is the artwork is brought into InDD as a linked object in a picture box. when SmartStream outputs the imposed PDF all the layer information in the linked objects and the InDD document is lost.

I'll keep looking for a setting that might preserve layers but Pitstop might just have to be the solution for now.


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