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The Quick and the....


Well-known member
428 The Quick and the....jpg
Obviously, I need to explain to you the finer points of leveraging one printer's quote against another.............
That's okay. You'll come back to us when you find out that new printer's cheap price matches his quality.
You guys are missing the point here. I tried to "tongue-n-cheek" it with my comment about leveraging one printer's quote against another.

She took the very first quote she got (a printer's dream).

So, make a mental note: When quoting for this client in the future, speed of getting a price back to her is more important than the price (again, a printer's dream)

All The Best
Interesting interpretations. Those weren't in my mind when I made this one though. ;-)
What was on your mind? Just curious.

Like my other 'toons this one was inspired by my experiences. To make a short story long, in this case the salesperson had, like many sales reps do, spent a great deal of time cultivating the buyer - trying to partner with them to get the best result for their project. But in the end lost the job to another printer who came out of the blue at the last moment. Of course the buyer is clueless as to what happened.


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