Trapping issue with letters


When we do the trap feature, it traps the outside trap correct. But it also does like a reverse trap on the inside of the letters, like an O. The letters are yellow, the rest is dark brown. The yellow goes out, like we want. The brown on the inside goes out as well into the yellow some places. Please help?
This is BluntBrad's artist.

Basically, I have some text that has been converted to outlines. The letters with 'cutouts' in them, like an 'A', a lowercase 'e', a 'D', etc - are compound shapes.

When I go to trap these shapes with the background, the outside of the shapes are trapped correctly. The inside, 'negative' space of the shapes are creating a reverse trap.

See image:

In Illustrator:

This happens whether I use the pathfinder popout window, or effect>pathfinder>trap

Trying to trap at .75 points with a 100% thickness and no tint reduction (100%).
I cannot recreate the issue. I am in CS6 and no matter what shape I trap (compound, non compound, text) it always traps correctly. Maybe try adding an overprinting stroke instead of trapping.
Sorry could not be more help.
Is there a way you can get that file to me, or the part of it you posted? If I root around in it I can probably find the problem.

By the way, you're certain that it's compound paths and not a Live Paint area, right?

Is this a native Illustrator file, or a PDF opened up into Illy?
Rich - this is for sure compound paths, not live paint.

Can you post your email and I will send the file to you - ?
cs6 illy files can be buggy. have you tried creating a whole new document and then placing your letters/artwork into the new document then try your trapping. and while youre in illy if trap is not working to get the job done then can't a trap easily be faked?
This is BluntBrad's artist.

Basically, I have some text that has been converted to outlines. The letters with 'cutouts' in them, like an 'A', a lowercase 'e', a 'D', etc - are compound shapes.

When I go to trap these shapes with the background, the outside of the shapes are trapped correctly. The inside, 'negative' space of the shapes are creating a reverse trap.

See image:

View attachment 3392

wow what a mess. seems like you'd be able to use your direct select tool and get rid of everything you don't need. there may even be clipping masks you need to release, same thing with compound paths.
How do i attach the file so you guys can take a look at our file? We have ways to trick it, just to get it done. But it comes up over and over. I know one of you experts will know the problem, and it will help us alot?
File attached

File attached

This is a pdf of the illustrator file I'm working with.

Trying to trap the brown/yellow at the bottom.


  • FlavorGlow.pdf
    901.8 KB · Views: 330
Hey visualaid -

When I release the compound paths, the 'holes' in the letters fill in and become separate shapes.

Even if I could just somehow 'flatten' the objects (while keeping them vectors)...that would work. Is there a way to make a compound path 'permanent', as in...I don't know how to explain. Make the compound path permanent so the 'compound path' of it goes away, and it becomes a regular simple vectored path.

That makes no sense at all but hopefully you get the gist of what I'm trying to say.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Trapping Issues With Letters

Trapping Issues With Letters

I have attached a PDF screen shot of your letters trapped. I may be missing something, but it appears that a simple stroke set to overprint would solve this problem.

My screen shot shows your art in overprint view with the settings I used to make this trap.

If this is the trap you are seeking, please notice the setting for rounded corners. If left as square corners, they were some strange spikes in the yellow trap. These tend to show up more when type is turned to outlines as opposed.

As a sidebar, when I looked at the rest of your art in overprint mode, the white line separating the yellow from the brown in the bottom part of the figure disappears. Did you mean for this to be this way?


  • Trapped.pdf
    91.8 KB · Views: 191
Seems like the file is corrupt. Using the trap filter, I get the same results that you do on the document you posted. If I copy everything over to a new document, the trap filter works with the exception of the DD in the upper left. There's one D in that logo that has to be expanded to get the filter to work.

Overprinting strokes works on the original document.

Just for giggles, copy everything over to a new document and try the trap function.


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