I have just tried the Meiji 9700A blankets on our shinohara 52, and am very disapointed..
I have had them on just for today, and have had to take them off, Waste of money that was..
The dot structure and dot gain with this blanket is apualing,, We could not get a clean screen, it was full of jagged edges and was actually the worst looking print I have seen out of all the blankets we have used..
To confirm it wasn't just the file it self I put on a job I had just printed on our old Printec blankets and with the Printec blanket's even the finest screen was open, but with the Meiji the same screens were completly filled in..
The only thing I noticed is that I could have my impression backed off a lot more, then the printec blankets..
One weird thing is the Meiji seem thincker then our other blankets even though they state there 1.96 ??
The reason for trying them was the Printec's pinhole after a while...
Kel or Toyo rep please elaborate on what is ment to be so great about them..