When will the suppliers ever stop playing games. Many times I am ashamed to even be associated with this industry. Just about when you see hope for cleaner chemistry another item appears. There are a few bright spots in chemical suppliers and when i say a few I mean 2.
There are just way way too many associations and groups that worry about their own well being and ability to collect fees and member dues. This covers all aspects from green power, forrest management, carbon offsets, consumables, green labeling and the list is almost endless. Now some of these groups are worth their salt but they also are far and few between.
We are all human beings and if a governing body or regulatory group banded or severely limited the use of a chemical wouldn't it behove us to think that this would be beneficial to all mankind and not just the particular local or country where the restrictions are enforced.
What do you think can be done to unify many of these certifying entities into a central body that can have meaning and recognition world wide.
Couldn't agree more!! I'm positive that the governing bodies must be in bed with the large chemical manufacturers or at least sponsored heavily.
They are of the opinion that the the overall environmental impact from the use of the current chemicals is minimal when compared to other industries.
I have rang every single current chemical supplier in Australia with a requirement list for the main chemicals used day in day out
Every single one of them said " There are no such chemicals available and it wouldn't work"
I call bullshit! I have tried products that are not available in Aus that meet and exceed my requirement list and they work!
The problem is Australia is a wash of a host of bottom rock priced inks & chemicals it is near on impossible to compete with a dearer product, no matter what benefits they have.