Uncoated Sheetfed
Uncoated Sheetfed
Building curves is more or less distinct from color spaces. As for the latter, a good profile for conversion of files as well as a proofing reference would be Fogra29. Download it from fogra.de. As for plate curves, first run the press to uncoated solid densities and and adjust curves to hit the uncoated specs for quarter, half, and three-quarter tones. Check the 3-color grays--25 19 19, 50 40 40, and 75 66 66; they should be the same color as the 25, 50, and 75K but just a tad darker--the 50 40 40 should match a 53% K. Adjust C, M, and Y curves to tweak until neutral. The G7 method can be used to fine tune this for better gray balance and print tonality. This is a crude and incomplete summary and not intended as a complete tutorial or qualified onsite assistance. Check with your nearest G7 Expert consultant.
P.S. GRACoL is NOT the specification for uncoated but rather for high-quality coated sheetfed.
Best regards,
Mike Strickler
MSP Graphic Services