• Best Wishes to all for a Wonderful, Joyous & Beautiful Holiday Season, and a Joyful New Year!

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  1. G

    File formats

    In the last couple of years image-files have come through that don't even open directly in Photoshop. .jpg (that turned out to be webp) .jpg (that would only open in ACR!) .MP(google moving picture) HEIC HEIF HIF and .jsx and there is the whole SDR vs HDR to come (had someone send me a dozen...
  2. G

    Fastest way to add bleeds to a supplied PDF file.

    Would be nice to think that Adobe could lever some AI Generative Bleed button into Acrobat Pro, but guessing if they didn't do it with content aware fill in the last ten years they're not going to bother. You can do it manually and gives really good results but its not quick. Acrobat Edit Image...
  3. G

    Acrobat SO SLOW...

    Its like your Gran comes to stay for the week, and when you get back from a day at work, they've helpfully re-organised all your stuff in to new kitchen cupboards to make it easier for you. :love: If a third party made a selection of "skins" for Acrobat's interface and tools, I'd be in ! Its...
  4. G

    Epson Proof Resolution Setting

    Kodak Spectrum was awesome but crazy expensive because you'd have to stop making the plates to proof. Wonder if there are any still out there. You could try outputting the Epsons at 200% or 400% size and see if that shows your problems. The resolution of platesetters is real. The resolution of...
  5. G

    Quark Xpress 2024 ver 20.02 font problem

    On Ventura and Sonoma, Impact is a Supplemental Font and looks like only one weight (Regular shows in Typeface and Pages). AFAIK you can no longer disable Supplemental fonts. So you're stuck with a clash that a Font Manager can't resolve. I'm guessing you'd need to be using a local Fonts folder...
  6. G

    Describing color shift tolerance in layman's terms

    ∂E is super non technical. ∂ is for difference and E is for Colour. ;)
  7. G

    Acrobat Pro, Marquee Zoom causing SBOD

    Upgraded to 2023.008. Crashing all the time. Went to Creative Cloud, uninstalled Acrobat, re-installed Acrobat (2023.008), re-installed Pitstop, re-installed Kodak Tools, re-set preferences for all and Quick Tools, still getting massive amount of crashes, usually when closing files or trying to...
  8. G

    How fuzzy is it?

    :)⚠️:poop: fuzziness rating
  9. G

    Acrobat Pro, Marquee Zoom causing SBOD

    Thanks for the replies prepressdork and oxburger. I narrowed it down a bit more, so if I turn off the Output Preview it doesn't happen. So not to do with either Pitstop nor the Prinergy PlugIns. These are not complicated images, the SBOD is apperaring with the simplest of pdfs but turning off...
  10. G

    Acrobat Pro, Marquee Zoom causing SBOD

    2017 intel iMac, Ventura, Acrobat Pro (I think 2023.006), Latest Pitstop and Prinergy10 PlugIns, usually have Output Preview panel and Pitstop Inspect and Action Lists panels open too. I get the SBOD when after dragging the Marquee Zoom, pauses for 20 to 60 seconds. Doesn't seem to crash just...
  11. G

    discrepancies in PDF display

    Using Pitstop I tried increasing the % yellow in 0.01 increments at 0.2% it behaves as expected and displays the same as it does in Art Pro. The same is true through Prinergy. I'm guessing that Adobe doesn't round up the really small %age and treats it as 0%. Since Prinergy has an Adobe Core it...
  12. G

    Prinergy 10 and Mac Workstation

    Installed and running, no issues as yet on Mojave
  13. G

    discrepancies in PDF display

    If the colors were DeviceN then the .1% Yellow would knock out the 100% Yellow despite it being set to overprint. Also a 0% (DeviceN) Magenta would knock out the 100% Magenta even if was set to overprint. 0% of a DeviceN color set to Overprint is a common way of knocking out the same color but...
  14. G

    Device N- Why???

    IMHO PDFX compatibilty will give InDesign more freedom to change the colour space as it sees fit. With all the "Device" color spaces, the goal is to put the dot percentages to the device, if you change the device you change the appearance. You are talking about greyscale images; whether its...
  15. G

    Acrobat image compression

    I might be putting 2 and 2 together and getting 5 but, is Dov inferring that if you place an LZW TIFF into Indd and Export PDF you get ZIP or JPEG compression. Dov also said for storage of Masters; "For that purpose, personally, I typically use ZIP-compressed TIFF with ICC color-managed 16...
  16. G

    Changing to Pantone Spot Colours in PDFs

    The best way I think is Prinergy Workstation or similar where you can Map any Separation colours to any other. You can Map spot inks in Pitstop but its not as intuative and I'm not sure about cmyk. You can Map spot inks InDesign. Mapping will retain the tint weight but when you have artwork in...
  17. G

    Prinergy only sees half of a spread and incorrectly splits it.

    first and last pdf pages often have different trim box size to the rest when spreads is checked on Export.
  18. G

    Disappearing dot gains?

    Have a look at the dots with a microscope. Also find some fine text in a 100% colour. I've seen Ryobi press results where parts of the shape of the dot on the plate are missing or weak in the print, also it shows in a piece of fine text or solid stroke as gaps. I can't remember exactly what they...
  19. G

    Preflight checks, is this possible?

    Prinergy needs an extra module to retain the Layers, I think called Versioning. Prinergy 1st refine will honour the layer settings in the pdf but the refined pdf will have all the content on one layer. You can edit those Layer settings up front in Acrobat Pro, visibility and printing, but if...
  20. G

    Acrobat DC : annoying delay when clicking between Tabs

    I'm on Mojave and the latest Acrobat DC. I've got Pitstop and Prinergy Plugins. My set up is to alt click on the green traffic light to maximise the Window to fill the screen but leave the Contextual Menu across the top, I then have documents open full screen in Tabs at the top. Its useful for...


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