I think I will go with a T-Card board to put in the press room (as a visual guide for all staff to see) but I also like the idea of an excel spreadsheet to keep open on my mac/pc that I can update as jobs move on to the next process. Does anyone have a spreadsheet like this that they are currently using? If so would you like to share it?!!?
Good call, leetaylor. Two years ago, I sold the print shop I had established back in 1969. Despite the fact that we had our own, home-brewed computer estimating and order entry system up and running ten years later (two years before IBM introduced the PC), our job tracking system never left the oversized corkboard and pushpin system on the shop wall. Not because job tracking would have been difficult to code, but because in all those years I never felt the need for it. There's some information that just works better on paper than it does on a monitor. We, of all people, should know that. We make our living putting information on paper.
And we're not the only industry where that's being recognized. The U.S. government has spent billions modernizing our air traffic control system. Yet when you board the plane for your next business trip, you're in the hands of ATC controllers who keep track of your airplane on strips of paper. The reason that time-tested system is still in place is not because the FAA hasn't tried to deep-six it. They just haven't come up with anything better.
Bondmaster put his finger on another key factor: Tracking is only half the solution if it doesn't tie in with scheduling. I'll point out a third. Any job tracking/scheduling software, including that spreadsheet you mentioned, will be cumbersome and error-prone if not fully linked to your order entry system. Just think of all the duplicate entries you'd have to make to keep your MIS customer and order files in sync with your Excel tracking file.
Now, does job tracking work on a computer screen? Sure it does. It will work phenomenally well once we can shuffle jobs around with our index finger on a 50-inch plasma. Until then, if you're still interested, check out the Job Tracker that's built into the Gold Edition of Morning Flight (
Version 2008.3 with New Booklet Module - The Morning Flight Lounge). It's a free beta download that won't expire at the end of the test cycle, a quick and painless way to stick your toe in the water.
Me, honestly? If I had to start another print shop, I'd go back to the corkboard. And wait for that 50-inch touch-screen.
Hal Heindel