I used to work for AGFA and think Apogee is swell. Very powerful. I now work for Compose and we develop and market Compose Express Workflow ( EWF ) which you might also consider testing. I agree with Steve and Rich - definitely want to test with your particular PDF files. While we do offer a 'try it before you buy it" with simple RIP products, with full on workflow products like these - 10-15k type products - we do an online demo - since no two workflows are the same, it is always about 2 hours to show processing submitted files in a "canned demo" - but depending on how deep you need to get (Trapping options, Complex impositions, specific setups with PiStop or Alwan) - it can stretch to a full day.
I see you are about 20 west of Houston, TX. Compose is located in Sacramento, CA.
Happy Hunting !