Colour variation Indigo???


Active member
How is the density kept stable on these machines? Ours seems to move around a lot? I can always see a difference in the proofs from day to day.
Our old Indigo seemed to be way more stable.

How is the density kept stable on these machines? Ours seems to move around a lot? I can always see a difference in the proofs from day to day.
Our old Indigo seemed to be way more stable.


I know on the 5000 that you are supposed to check the oil/ink density in the ink tanks. It seemed like a lot of maintenance to have the press print correctly. But there are many variables that cause bad prints on the 5000. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe if your oil and ink mixture isn't correct then you will not achieve good prints. I remember there being a tall beaker that you use in the back to measure oil flow. That could be off. Blanket temperature could be a problem as well. If you are not measuring your substrates and putting in the correct settings in the software then that could be a problem as well.

Not sure if that's what you were meaning but thought I'd try to help.


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