What are others doing to achieve consistent CMYK values when converting Pantone colors? After running some tests, I've gotten 3 different CMYK values for a Pantone color depending on where the conversion takes place.
We have operators converting in Acrobat DC using the preflight controls using GRACoL 2006 settings, some using Pitstop Action Lists and some letting the Esko AE convert them.
I can even get completely different values if I reference the values from Illustrator 5's Pantone Solid Coated values and from the new Color Bridge Coated and Color Bridge Uncoated values.
We have operators converting in Acrobat DC using the preflight controls using GRACoL 2006 settings, some using Pitstop Action Lists and some letting the Esko AE convert them.
I can even get completely different values if I reference the values from Illustrator 5's Pantone Solid Coated values and from the new Color Bridge Coated and Color Bridge Uncoated values.