Appreciate all the input...
I am not referring to a color matching issue though. Matching color is not a issue, color looks great. Our press and Epson are calibrated very tight as far as color.
What appears to be very, very faint file imperfections/banding lines in the Epson, will print much sharper and more prominent on the press sheet when printing the higher ls. What might not be seen in the file at 100% on screen but can be seen in the file if you enlarge the file many times on screen will show up more prominent on the press sheet. When printing standard G7 work at 175 ls the print looks like the proof in sharpness. Print at the higher line screen all the file imperfections show up in the printed sheet. Would like to be able to see this in the Epson proof as prominent as it is on press so it can identified before it goes on press.