error when calibrate xerox docucolor 250


hi All,

I have errors whit Xerox Docucolor 250
1- when i calibrated xerox Docucolor 250 that after calibration (whit creo) i had message that the color under low density and the calibration stopped
2- i had low density with magenta color
Are you using off the glass calibration or with XRITE? It might worth checking your Magenta in k coverage from within the engine also ensure you have the latest service packs installed.
hi flikp,

I'm using Xrite Calibrator and i have the latest upgrade for Creo CX250_V1.1_SP2.
tell me how to checking the Magenta ink coverage from the engine???
Its seems to me that the engine is not placing enough ink onto paper - therefore i suggest you raise a call with Xerox........ what about the NVM settings?
hi flikp,

xerox tech. came and made many tests told me that the problem in transfer the color from IBT belt to the paper
tell me (check for what in the NVM settings?)



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