We are a small 4 color famly business and we are having a lot of difficulty organizing the work flow in our business.
Jobs come in to the design department and once approved go to pre-press and then to the press then delivery. We have tried all sorts of forms to fill out and job orders but we really dont know how to design a system (forms) to propperly organize the job and track it as it goes through the different departments to make sure we are following up and we dont forget any jobs. We know we need to make numbered NCR forms and have duplicates etc... but we were hoping some fellow more organized printers could share their systems r maybe even copies of the forms they use to stay on top of things. We tried to find a system out there to teach us, or templates to purchase but had no luck.
Any suggestions ? We desperately need some help.
If any of you would be kind enough to share some forms etc... please email them to [email protected]
Thank you.
Fadi Rebeiz

Jobs come in to the design department and once approved go to pre-press and then to the press then delivery. We have tried all sorts of forms to fill out and job orders but we really dont know how to design a system (forms) to propperly organize the job and track it as it goes through the different departments to make sure we are following up and we dont forget any jobs. We know we need to make numbered NCR forms and have duplicates etc... but we were hoping some fellow more organized printers could share their systems r maybe even copies of the forms they use to stay on top of things. We tried to find a system out there to teach us, or templates to purchase but had no luck.
Any suggestions ? We desperately need some help.
If any of you would be kind enough to share some forms etc... please email them to [email protected]
Thank you.
Fadi Rebeiz