Come on now you guys, shake and make up
I fully understand Gordon's point of view though but as the results do indeed speak volumes, we will be staying with the revised order for the current time at least. Obviously there is something odd going on but, as we are battling the problem in a waterless environment, which ISO12647 was not invented for, I believe we can make variations as we desire as long as the results are good, and they are good.
Would I buy waterless again, hmm, tough question but I would likely say no, but only because I believe the future is in sheet-fed ink-jet technology, I have been saying that for some years and the dream is now becoming reality.
As it stands, our press is a beautiful bit of kit, it's small, fast, clean, very quick to turn round jobs, and so-far has been very reliable. Not having to worry about ink-water balance is a luxury, although there are caveats to that but overall it is a good press and the print quality is second to none.
Happy days. (but I still miss the old Solna 124
