It is true, Kodak no longer directly manufacture or distribute the Matchprint Proofing or the "Yellow Box" Wide Format media (this may even come as a surprise to some Kodak employees!). Over the years Kodak were in the process of phasing out and rationalising their large and often redundant Matchprint media catalogue, however I believe that even this had to cease as part of the Chapter 11 restructuring (proofing media is a competitive and costly game to be in).
Around two years ago? Kodak sold off the license to their "Yellow Box" Wide Format media favoured by Photographers and display graphics, such as Premium Rapid Dry Photo Satin 260gsm etc. The new media is slightly different, different watermark on reverse, different "lusture" pattern and slightly different white point etc. I am not sure who the new manufacturer is for the Wide Format media.
Around a 6 months to a year ago?, Kodak also sold off the license to the Matchprint Inkjet media range. Kodak Matchprint Inkjet media is now sold by Ilford. I believe that it is now manufactured in Switzerland rather than the USA. I have not compared the "new" matchprint media to the "old". I would hope that the Matchprint media is manufactured with tighter tolerances that the "yellow box" media.
Due to the adjusted costs of importing this "new" product, your local Kodak Matchprint Inkjet Proofing Media dealer may or may not decide to continue selling this media under the new arrangement. Dealer's may elect to create their own custom Kodak Proofing Software media configurations, profiles, devicelink profiles and colour bars to support other replacement media that they go to market with if they elect to no longer sell Matchprint Inkjet media.
P.S. We still hold stock of discontinued Kodak Matchprint media such as SM235P, SM210P. We also hold USA manufactured SM190P and SM240P T1 & T3 media.
Stephen Marsh