I'm hoping the C9650 owners who use it to image laser plates can point me in the right direction to configure the C9650. I've found stuff online but we're still getting a fair amount of toning on the plates (we use Genie, Myriad 2). We've been using an HPLJ5000 and get very clean plates with the 5000. We've added the C9650 as the LJ5000 is slower on some files and it's getting harder to source maintenance kits.
I currently have the 9650 set to Ultra Heavy 2 and configured to Card Stock for the MPF tray settings. I've decreased Paper Black Setting to -2.
The other issue is the toner started to peel off after 200 or so impressions, so some other setting must be off as well.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
I'm hoping the C9650 owners who use it to image laser plates can point me in the right direction to configure the C9650. I've found stuff online but we're still getting a fair amount of toning on the plates (we use Genie, Myriad 2). We've been using an HPLJ5000 and get very clean plates with the 5000. We've added the C9650 as the LJ5000 is slower on some files and it's getting harder to source maintenance kits.
I currently have the 9650 set to Ultra Heavy 2 and configured to Card Stock for the MPF tray settings. I've decreased Paper Black Setting to -2.
The other issue is the toner started to peel off after 200 or so impressions, so some other setting must be off as well.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
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