Morgana Autocreaser MK2 TDC Error


New member
Hi all

This is my first post and not sure if its in the correct place.

Any way I have a quired a morgana auto creaser and it has come up with a tdc error after transport.

I can find no information on it and cant even figur out what the issue could be.

The switch for the blade seams to be working and all other aspects of the machine is perfect.

But when you activate the Blade it complans of a tdc err and switches off.

Anyone able to help.

Im in north west Ireland and I dont know of anyone who works at these machines.

Have you removed the blade and try re-sitting it?

This is the pro newer version but basically the same -

Just put bolts back in same holes, don't switch? can't remember why I was told this. You'll also more than likely need to adjust the crease pressure after this.

We're in Dublin and get our Morgana machines and service from Page Solutions.
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