offset printing with micro text


just would like some inputs : printing heavy colored band together with small logos and some micotext, will it help if i rip it at 175lpi and not with 150lpi? or any suggestion to blend heavy colored band with small pts text (japanese and chinese characters)

just would like some inputs : printing heavy colored band together with small logos and some micotext, will it help if i rip it at 175lpi and not with 150lpi? or any suggestion to blend heavy colored band with small pts text (japanese and chinese characters)

Are the logos and text reversed out of the coloured band, or are they separate elements?
just one plate sir. very similar to this attachment. the characters in the bottom


  • angel.jpg
    29.8 KB · Views: 72
just one plate sir. very similar to this attachment. the characters in the bottom
Screen ruling won't make any difference, as far as I can see there are no screened elements. A competent printer should be able to print this with no problems without you needing to do anything special.
Three things:
1 Imaging of the plate will need to be a minimum of 2400/2540 dpi
2 Ink/water balance and impression cylinder settings will be critical
3 The substrate you're printing on needs to be able to resolve the text

On a sidebar, even though it's one color job, it might happen that you have to run the text on a second press unit.
You might also ask the printer to run a test using the off-cut/non live image area of a different job.

On a side-sidebar, during my Creo days we would sometimes run 1/2 point text to create ruled lines in marketing brochures. What was written at that size could only be seen/read using a 20x loupe. Lotsa fun.
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