PDF Trap Engine, strange font things in ripped PDF files...


New member
Hello all,

Has someone had any problems recently with ripping pdf files through the PDF trap engine profile regarding fonts?
We use the trap engine for a long time now, never had any real problems until a few weeks ago. Since then some pages we rip have scrambled up all fonts/characters inside a page (see attachment). i have attached the original pdf together with a proof pdf from Rampage, you'll see that in the proof pdf all characters are messed up.
We never had this problem with the trap engine profile before. If we rip the same pdf files through the eps/nPDF profile, all fonts are how they should be, in other words, not one character is messed up. Strange thing is, that it doesn't happen with all pdf files, it looks like it's a bit random. Does anyone know what the problem might be, where we could look to solve this issue?
Our Rampage Client is version 11.2.0b5

Different Encodings of the same font?

Different Encodings of the same font?

I'm no font guru, but there ARE on this forum. I do see where there are two versions of the font TheSansSemiLight-Plain (both Embeded Subset) and that both have different encodings. I don't know if this would cause confusion or not or why the PDF trap engine would rip it erroneously and not the RIP-EPS/PDF Input Profile. I'm guessing you don't have a support contract with Rampage?
Ripped on my Rampage on PDF Trap Engine all ok.

PDF attached



  • 1.pdf
    236.8 KB · Views: 382

Ripped fine on my end too. Also, why is your black bar overprinting even though there's a 50% cyan behind the 100% black?
I ripped it as well on my Rampage version 10.6 with no issues. My guess is it was just a glitch.


  • Picture 1.jpg
    Picture 1.jpg
    217.5 KB · Views: 337
would any of you be so kind to rip the attached file and see if it gets scrambled up?
it's the original pdf page that went wrong.
thanks so kindly.



  • DL1_p6original.pdf
    110.6 KB · Views: 363
Thanks Buckeye for your testing and uploading your proof.
i still don't know why that page doesn't rip fine here in our workflow..
but i will continue searching for the problem. One note, it doesn't matter if i use my profile in the rampage client or if my colleague uses his profile, the page ends up scrambled.
Thanks all for your help so far.

So I take it you don't have a support contract with Rampage? They'd be able to help for sure. Keep us posted if you figure it out. Thanks.



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