six colours please
six colours please
Designer has a process and two spots job to print, but the spots use the same angles as two of the process colours and are set to overprint.
So you want this horrible brownish sludge colour ? say we.
Why no, I want the result of overprinting the spot colours on top of the process colours and each other as I can see on my screen. says designer.
So you do want this horrible brownish sludge colour. say we.
We now go through the process of telling designer how to set InDesign to show a correct colour proof on the designers screen.
No! now it looks different to the way I designed it - its awful. says designer.
So redesign it. say we.
No I want you to reset my display back the way it was when it looked beautiful.
We tried to explain, we really did, but all we managed to do was upset the designer to the point of threatening legal action. We reset the monitor and declined the job and then we all sat down in total disbelief, yet again.
six colours please
Designer has a process and two spots job to print, but the spots use the same angles as two of the process colours and are set to overprint.
So you want this horrible brownish sludge colour ? say we.
Why no, I want the result of overprinting the spot colours on top of the process colours and each other as I can see on my screen. says designer.
So you do want this horrible brownish sludge colour. say we.
We now go through the process of telling designer how to set InDesign to show a correct colour proof on the designers screen.
No! now it looks different to the way I designed it - its awful. says designer.
So redesign it. say we.
No I want you to reset my display back the way it was when it looked beautiful.
We tried to explain, we really did, but all we managed to do was upset the designer to the point of threatening legal action. We reset the monitor and declined the job and then we all sat down in total disbelief, yet again.